We decided that our media class of approximately 10 people was too small a sample size of our target audience and so we proceeded to hand our questionnaire around to our english class of roughly the same number of people. Although this is still an incredibly small sample in relation to our target audience, we worked with what we had to get as much feedback as we were able to.
From our feedback we can see that two of our possible titles proved very popular, 'The Pheasant Keeper' and 'Caged', with 9 people choosing each title as what they thought would be the best title for the film.
As there is a tie, we have decided to ask our lecturer to help us overcome the issue by helping us decided which one would be the most appropriate.
Our lecturer thinks that 'Caged' would work better as a title because 'pheasant' isn't a particularly threatening word. He had the idea to use 'The Pheasant Keeper' in our tagline for our poster/magazine cover. We like this idea.
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