Monday, 22 November 2010

Filming: The Main Character

Blogged by Naomi

Fortunately we found another actor to play the lead in our trailer, and so this weekend we focused on filming our main character. We visited Madam's Copse at around 3pm as this is approximately the time when it is just starting to get dark, therefore we could capture an eerie atmosphere but still have a good amount of natural light to work with. I started by uploading all of our footage to iMovie and watched a variety of tutorial videos in order for me to gain insight into how to use the program. The tutorials allowed me to learn the basics of the program, for example cropping scenes and creating a "timeline".

I started cutting bits of footage we did not need, for example if we had left the camera recording too long or if our character felt her acting wasn't as realistic as she could make it. I then started experimenting with the timings of our footage and piecing parts of it together to form the beginnings of our trailer.

We haven't yet filmed our party scene so there is a jump from the beginning of the party to the blank screen where the character is heavily breathing. I have also cut the footage of the main character running to only a few seconds, so the sharp pace and variety of angles add to the tension we wish to convey in our trailer.

We hoped to film all of our scenes involving the main character this weekend, but unfortunately it became too dark to film our final scenes. In order to overcome this we have planned to go back to Madam's Copse again this weekend to film the final scenes, and perhaps re-film a couple of scenes to see if we can improve upon them.

We also hope to get our party scene filmed next weekend, depending on how many of our friends are available. It is possible we will film in Fox's Forest, Cosham as this is local to the majority of people we will be asking. Once this scene has been filmed we can incorporate it into our trailer on iMovie and we can then begin to edit and add effects to our trailer.

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