Monday 29 November 2010

Group Discussion: To Do List

Blogged by Group

We had a group meeting to discuss what we have done so far and what we need to do.
We have not got all our footage yet and at them moment the footage we do have does not flow very well.
We made a list of scenes we needed to film and wanted to re-shoot:

Redo scene where Lily breaks the door so it flows into the running sequence more smoothly.
Film close up shots of Lily running so they are shorter and this sequence flows better.
More shots in cage: Wandering around - variety of shots; sitting in cage - twig snaps; find phone but it's run out .of battery; running hand along fence; reshoot some scenes with more dialogue.
Shoot party scene.
FInd another item (lipstick).
End scene.

As we have enough footage for a 90 second trailer already, we decided that we will wait until we have all our footage and then cut out the scenes that are our least favourite.

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