Tuesday 30 November 2010

Group Discussion: Weather Conditions

Blogged by Anya

Today, it snowed in our area. This is a problem for us because of the continuity in our trailer. Naomi and I had a discussion over Facebook to try and find a solution. We chose to do this over Facebook because it is instant.

Here is transcript of our conversation:

What are we going to do about the snow?
[Naomi Cheeseman]
Is it that bad over in Madam's Copse?
Not sure
Either it'll stay like this and the trees will mean there's not a lot and we can clear it.
Or we might have to put a bit in where she wakes up in snow and then re shoot the running sequence.
[Naomi Cheeseman]
Yeah that's a good idea. We'll have to wait and see.

This lead us to discuss the timings in our trailer as we already have more than enough footage:

The only thing I was thinking though is we're kind of making a mini movie rather than a trailer. I think we're trying to tell too much of the story.
[Naomi Cheeseman]
Yeah that's what I was thinking. How can we shorten it?
Maybe we can take out the scenes where she finds her friend's things; just leave one that really provokes a reaction and cut the running shots with the scene where she is calling to her friends.
That way we only have to concentrate on getting one thing in the party bit so that'll be shorter as well.
[Naomi Cheeseman]
That sounds good.
Also, if its too difficult to get people for the party we could just have her and her friend in the woods and then it's her friends possession she finds?
Yeah maybe, have just a few people. As many as we can.
It might be a gathering rather than party but we can still film it like the skins advert but with a few people rather than a huge group.

In conclusion, we have decided that we will have to wait and see what the weather is like the rest of this week before we decide whether to clear any snow or re-shoot for continuity. We have also decided to cut all but one of the scenes where Lily finds her friend's things and have the running sequence cut into the scene in which Lily calls for her friends to let her out to build tension. In future, we must make sure not to try and make a short film instead of a trailer.

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