Monday 29 November 2010


Blogged by Group

We watched out edited footage so far and decided that we would cut the clips where Lily finds her friend's belongings into the scene where she is shouting for her friends as this creates more tension.

We put an effect called 'Day to Night' on the footage where Lily wakes up and when she is calling to her friends as it dulls the colours and as well as giving it a creepy feel, it makes it look like early morning which is when we image the character to have woken up. We also put an effects called 'Vignette', 'Bleach Bypass' and 'Hard Light' onto the running sequence we though the use of different effects on each clip made the pace of the sequence seem faster.

We also started to look at the transitions we could use. Before the end of the lesson, we put a transition between the blank screen after the party and the clip in which the main character wakes up.

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