Monday 10 January 2011

Poster Photo Survey

Blogged by Anya

This is the survey that we sent around the class:

The results are as follows:

1- 0
2- 0
3- 1
4- 8
5- 1

The results show that photo number 4 is most effective:

After the survey had been round the class, we gave it to our lecturer and discussed with him which photo he thought was most effective.
He told us that his two favourite were number 4 and 5. He said that number 4 would work well for a movie set in the autumn/winter because the blue tone makes it look cold and dark and that number 5 would look good for a summer film. He also liked that fact that the red on the character's hands is highlighted in both photos.
Because we have filmed the trailer in winter and plan to set it as a halloween release, we have chosen photo 4:


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