Monday 31 January 2011

Music And Editing

Blogged by Group

After making a rough cut of our trailer, we set about looking for music to use as the soundtrack. We wanted a piece that built up and that would fit with the cuts and running clips but that wasn't too busy as to disturb the dialogue.

We listened to existing movie soundtracks on YouTube, such as the 28 Days Later music (John Murphy) and the Saw theme (Charlie Clouser). We found that these soundtracks were too recognisable and that they didn't fit the feel of our trailer.

After looking for quite a while, we found this piece of music:

We played it behind our trailer and found that it fit well with our cuts and gave the trailer the right atmosphere.
We then downloaded the music and imported it to iMovie. We added it to our trailer after the party scene and blank screen that our protagonist breathes over.

The music is shown by the purple background.

We now do not have much left to do with our trailer before we can concentrate solely on the ancillary tasks. We just have to find some music for the party clip at the beginning and a 'creaking door' sound for the end and fine tune the footage.

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