Monday 17 January 2011

Date Font

Blogged by Group

The font that we used for the title on our poster is not programmed for numbers. This gave us a problem when trying to put the date onto our teaser poster.

We made a version with Roman numerals but we do not think that it looks right and believe it will look better with numbers. Also, the audience may be unfamiliar with roman numerals and so this information would be meaningless to them. Another problem that could be encountered is that because it doesn't state the date in numbers, the audience will not know the release date if they do not know roman numerals.

roman numerals

We have looked through different fonts on Microsoft Word to find one that will work well on our poster:

Another font we liked the look of was 'Times and Times Again'. We fount it on Word but unfortunately it would not work in the document so when we tested the fonts with our poster we looked at it on Photoshop instead.

The font we liked best was 'Times and Times Again'. It looked best with our title as it is not too fussy but also not too plain like 'Times New Roman' might have been. It also has a slight horror look and fits in with the font of the title really well.

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