Monday 24 January 2011

Full Poster Analysis: Hatchet

Blogged by Anya

As we have mentioned earlier, we want the advertisement for our film to be focused on the content rather than the actor(s). Because of this we have decided that the actor's name is unnecessary on the full poster we are designing.

The majority of film posters include actors names but there are some that have reviews included in the poster instead. We have chosen to do this.

A poster we looked at that did this was the poster for 'Buried' which used an image of the film surrounded by reviews. This is not how we want our poster to look but it was useful in looking at the type of reviews we should use and the way the comments are worded.

This is a poster for 'Hatchet'; it is very similar to how we envisage our final poster design. It has a large image from the film, and a large title. There is a review at the top of the poster and a tagline below the title. The poster also includes a website address. We will be using a similar layout for our own poster.

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