Monday 14 March 2011

Magazine Front Cover: Main Image

Blogged by Anya

Today we started our magazine front cover. This is our final ancillary task and the last thing we have to do before our evaluation.
We started by choosing a photo for our cover. We had already taken many photographs during filming and so all we had to do was look through our images and find the most suitable picture.
We have chosen this photo:

megan4 -redeye

We decided to go with this running shot because the girl looks scared; the background is dark and sets a horror tone; it draws your eye in; and there is room for a masthead and tag lines.

I then used the colour adjustment tools in Photoshop to give the photo a blue tone. This makes the photo colder and is also what we did to the photo we used for the poster and so this gives a consistency to our products.


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