Monday 20 September 2010

Trailer Analysis: 'Don't Be Afraid of The Dark'

Blogged by Naomi

Questions raised:
Who is whispering?
Where are they?
Who are they?
What do these creatures want?

Similar to the 'Buried' trailer this one begins with a blank screen and non-diegetic dialogue. The voice is whispering to the audience, a simple yet extremely effective way of attempting to scare the viewers by making it personal to them. As the trailer continues the tension mounts, it is obvious something is going to appear but it is uncertain when. This tactic is stereotypical of horror films and is really effective in this trailer as well as films themselves. There is also a soundtrack of tense, dark music occupying the trailer to further appeal to the audience's senses. As the words "Don't be afraid of the dark" flash up at separate intervals the speed of the camera stills and film clips increases and the music intensifies, adding more and more suspense as the trailer continues. Also, the cast consists of Katie Holmes (Batman Begins), Guy Pearce (The Hurt Locker) and Alan Dale (Lost). With the cast consisting of a variety of well known actors/actresses the film would sell itself to the fans of the cast immediately. However curiosity is the main attraction to the film. With fast-paced clips of the characters screaming and the voiceover telling the audience "don't be afraid of the dark" the trailer succeeds in terrifying, attracting and entertaining the viewers.

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